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Day Trips for Schools

We can design a custom field trip program on many different natural history topics to suit your needs and reinforce curriculum covered in the classroom.


•Redwood forest ecology   

•Pond and stream

•Rocky shore tide pools      

•Logging History

•Native American Plant Uses     

•Birds of the North Coast

•Field Math & Orienteering 

•Salmon Life Cycle

 One of our most popular field trips is a visit to the Challenge Course. Our course is located on a secluded wooded shelf along a river. Each element has a story and a physical task for your group to accomplish. It is designed to encourage group cooperation and problem-solving skills and is appropriate for businesses and organizations as well as school groups.

Discover the wild lands and rivers of the North Coast. Our naturalist/guides will help you custom build a trip, perfect for your group or organization. Popular choices: explore the Mendocino tide pools or canoe the Big River.

We also offer service learning! This is a form of experiential education. It integrates meaningful community service with instruction and hands-on activities. Project examples: Trail building and maintenance, stream monitoring and restoration, non-native plant removal, historic structure restoration.